July 8, 2013

And They Fell in Love - Just Like In The Movies!!!

                                                                                               photos by The Three Divas
Andrea & Kevin met in Wilmington 
while working together on the movie "Bolden," 
and then they went on to work for the TV show, "In Plain Sight."

 After having worked together for 4 years on "In Plain Sight,"
on the last night of shooting,
...(imagine a movie trailer!)...
 ...the music swells!... 
...the camera pans a movie studio office filled with people... 
...standing center stage, a surprised Andrea... 
 Kevin drops to one knee...

...and that's how they got engaged...on set...with 2 cameras set up and rolling...
and two boom mics...and friends watching, cheering, and crying...
it was cinematic perfection!

Fast forward to a picture perfect wedding, 
July 6, 2013,

                                                                                 photo by Dana Hawley
Bridal Bouquet by The Three Divas

and the vintage chic reception at the beautiful historic venue, 
"128 South" in Wilmington NC!

Film inspired Event Design - of course!!!

Floral & Event Design by The Three Divas

Wedding Cake by The Three Divas

                                              all photos by The Three Divas
Congratulations Andrea & Kevin!!!  It was such a privilege to be a part of your wedding!!!

The Divas 
Deborah, Rebekah, Jennifer 

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