Who are The Dessert Divas?
We are a family consisting of Three "Divas," Deborah, Rebekah & Jennifer, and Jennifer's "Divette," Eve, and her "Divo," Stephen. Both Stephen and Eve love our family being in the dessert business. They are the only preschoolers we know who ask for "ganache" after dinner!
We live in a 1913 bungalow near downtown Wilmington, NC. Having always lived in the suburbs of Atlanta, now living in the heart of the city is an adventure to us! We are only minutes from The Cape Fear Riverwalk, and there is always something happening downtown!
We have had our kitchen certified by the state of North Carolina so we are able to do some of our labor intensive work from home. And for our large orders, a commercial kitchen is available for us to rent. In this way we are able to
deliver desserts from our home to yours.
Living in Wilmington is a real advantage for us in our business as it is a wonderful place to celebrate any special occasion. We have been told it is one of the top ten wedding destination places in the United States.
Christmas 2008
This is what The Dessert Divas call a "love sandwich!"
Because we work together as a family, we are often asked if we "get along" with each other. To be honest, we do! In our line of work we pull some "all nighters," more than any of us did in college, so having been tested and tried under the pressure of "on time wedding cake delivery", we believe we can work together under any circumstances!
When you call our home to place an order, (910) 399-6276, you may get our specially equipped answering service
(or so he likes to think!).