Click each photo to enlarge. |
Rebekah (Diva #2), Deborah (Diva #1),
Marriann Hough, Derek Hough,
Jennifer (Diva #3), and Lisa of Bella Rose Photography
backstage before Dancing With The Stars!!!
In August there was Boca Raton, filming Derek Hough and Mark Ballas of Dancing With The Stars!!!
In September there was New York Fashion Week filming for Style Me Perfect!!!
What could get better than that?
How about a SMP/DWTS combo in November!!!
so in order to really tell their story, the next step seemed obvious -
shoot them in LA!!!
As we put our heads together with SMP owner and creative director,
Carrie Collins Johnson,
we came up with an idea that would bring the worlds of
Fashion and Dance together!!!
We contacted Shirley Ballas and Marriann Hough,
mothers of DWTS stars Mark Ballas and Derek Hough,
and asked if they would be up for a
Style Me Perfect "Mothers Makeover"
for the Dancing With The Stars finale!
Both women were game and the adventure began!!!
On Thursday November 13,
our Diva Video - Bella Photo team
caught a very early flight to LA.
(The good thing about traveling with 4 women is that,
after weighing the 4 suitcases at check-in,
we were able to move things from one suitcase to another
until all 4 were just under the 50 pound limit!
- wish we had that on film!!! ;););)
By 11:00 a.m., LA time,
we were having brunch in Beverly Hills -
talk about surreal!!!
Our plan for the Video/Photo Shoot
was to include footage of both Shirley and Marriann
doing what they love best
(besides being the mothers of wonderful children)!
For Shirley, that is being a dance instructor,
and for Marriann, that is being a painter and art instructor!
Filming Shirley Ballas
as she trains future Ballroom DanceSport Champions.
Then out for dinner and dancing
(well, yes, even being in Beverly Hills
didn't stop us from creating our own dance party
on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant!!! ;););)
Original Artwork by Marriann |
The next morning we were off to shoot Marriann
who is an artist and painting instructor.
Arriving at the apartment, we were greeted at the door
by a petite blond with a warm hug!
We immediately recognized her as the mother of Julianne Hough,
because we had seen that same warm smile that reaches her eyes
when we first met Julianne.
Don't you love it when a friendship takes you by surprise!
You unexpectedly meet a kindred spirit and Voila!!!
This is how we felt when we met Marriann Hough.
Even before we could sit down, the four of us were
in animated conversation! Hours later, after laughter and tears,
we decided to reschedule her painting shoot and
celebrate the fact that we felt like we had all discovered soul sisters!
Jennifer has always wanted to take art lessons,
so she was thrilled to be chosen as Marriann's on camera student!!!
The paintings completed,
and the still life eaten!!!
The next day we were joined by
and hair & make up artist, Tricia Gulikers,
and some serious styling began!
Fashion & Wedding Photographer Extraordinaire,
Keeping it real...
and fun!!!
Now onto the CBS studio, where DWTS is filmed,
to shoot
The Big Reveal
with Derek & Mark!!!
Waiting for clearance to go in!!!
...and now we wait...
...and tell funny stories...
...and dance!!! ;););)
Lisa, Tricia, Shirley, Marriann, Deborah, Carrie, Rebekah, Jennifer |
To celebrate a fabulous day of styling
and shooting these two Hot Mamas,
the rest of us got all dolled up and
we hit "The Grove" for dinner!!!
On Sunday, Marriann asked us to join her
and her daughters, Sharee & Julianne,
at The London in West Hollywood
where Julianne had reserved a Cabana - Par-tee!!!
Mother/Daughter Trios -
one set of blondes,
one set of brunettes!!! ;););)
Though Julianne had to leave early for a meeting,
we soldiered on, partying without her -
At least she left her two famous pups,
Lexi & Harley
to keep all of us company in her absence!!!
Jennifer, Maude, Marriann, Kristy, Sharee |
It was so much fun seeing Kristy, a fellow Wilmingtonian,
who Jennifer had met on the set of Safe Haven
and who is now Julianne's personal assistant and side-kick!
Though we Divas were unprepared for the pool,
we were all prepared for DESSERT...
...Poolside Dance Lessons...
...and all kinds of Photo Ops!!!
We quickly caught on that The Hough Women ALL have it going on!!! ;););)
And how many Divas does it take to help
Marriann reapply her lipstick?!!!
Jennifer, Sharee, Maude |
These girls are on fire!!!
And here is Jennifer walking on fire with
the Viking Princess from the hit show
"The Vikings"!!!
Now that's a moment to remember!!!
Maude Hirst you're the best!!!
Thank you Julianne for a fabulous afternoon that
we'll never forget!!!
And here we are shooting at DWTS
having been given permission
to shoot some B Roll
before we go in!!!
Backstage at Dancing With The Stars!!!
What a way to start the night!!!
Derek was so thoughtful and proud of his mother, Marriann,
and right before he escorted all of us to our seats,
it was Derek who suggested we take this picture!!!
And to top it all off, just before the show aired,
the crowd was invited to the dance floor
to do two of the Divas Favorites...
The Wobble
The Cupid Shuffle
We were in dancing heaven!!! ;););)
For those of you who wanted to know where we were sitting,
you can see us during Derek and Bethany's dance intro -
right up on stage with them - can't get better than that!!! ;);):)
l-r: Marriann, Jennifer, Deborah's bangs, Rebekah & Lisa!!!
Lisa, Jennifer, Marriann, Deborah, Rebekah |
And afterwards, dinner at Maggiano's!!!
A wonderful ending to an
amazing few days!!!
Style I
Jeans & White Shirts
Style II
"Rocker Chic"!!!
Next, to the CBS Studios where DWTS is filmed...
The Big Reveal with Derek!!!
Glamorous from head to toe
for the Semi - Finale!!!
Derek's thought - if he didn't win the Mirror Ball Trophy
he could always add Shirley's clutch to his wall o' trophies!!!
Then Mark arrives!...
And after the DWTS semi-finals
we all dropped by Julianne's trailer...
Show's over - heels come off!!! ;););)
Shirley, Jennifer, Julianne, Marriann, Deborah, Rebekah |
Derek Hough & Mark Ballas' Mothers -
Styling Video/Shoot for DWTS Semi-Finals
Deborah, Rebekah, & Jennifer
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